Welcome to GGC 58.
Yet again i found this store whilst looking through my group notices.
Two of the group gifts on the shelf were difficult to get and after 3 attempts i realised that there was a tiny yellow button under the display picture. I did comment on this to the store owner when i sent him a note card informing him that we where doing a blog on his GG's and when i went back today i noticed that the two gifts now have gift boxs in front of them. I would blame my computer but i had been back 3 times to try and logged on and off in between so i'm not sure why i couldn't see them, but it's not an issue now.
There are 8 Lucky letter boards on the wall as you enter.
There are two sides to the store both with a desk and a gift board. The other side offers small creature avatars(lizard/frog) and an outfit which seems to change regularly. Judie got the Dead Space outfit and when Dierdre went it had changed to the HipHop outfit.(Both pictures at the bottom of this page).
Judie is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Madlena P Sneakers
Accessories: Avaway-Sweet Icecream Necklace(Gatcha)
Hair: Sintiklia-Bree
Dierdre is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Smesh- Laced Sandals Pink
Accessories: Zenith = Belt Necklace
Hair: Mina - Lieke
Gempabumi is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Apple May Ballerina Heels (Black)
Accessories: JP Pearl bracelet and necklace
Hair: Damselfly Jaycee hair
Jasmine Dress
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Madlena P Sneakers
Accessories: Avaway-Sweet Icecream Necklace(Gatcha)
Hair: Sintiklia-Bree
Dierdre is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Smesh- Laced Sandals Pink
Accessories: Zenith = Belt Necklace
Hair: Mina - Lieke
Gempabumi is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-*RS* Heart Dress (GG)
Shoes: Apple May Ballerina Heels (Black)
Accessories: JP Pearl bracelet and necklace
Hair: Damselfly Jaycee hair
Jasmine Dress
Outfit: SPACE-Jasmine Dress (GG)
Accessories: Euphoria Necklace
Hair: Monso-Ai
Shoes: Sentinus Jasmin Heels
Deirdre is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-Jasmine Dress (GG)
Accessories: Zenith = Belt Necklace
Anais Lingerie Set Applier ( Bra)
Hair: Mina - Lieke
Shoes: Smesh- Laced Sandals Pink
Gempabumi is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-Jasmine Dress (GG)
Accessories: JP Pearl Bracelet and necklace
Hair: Damselfly Jaycee hair
Shoes: Sentinus Jasmin Heels
Outfit: SPACE-Madlena P Outfit (GG)
Shoes: Included with outfit
Accessories: Nanika-Mechanical Heart Tattoo(Gold) Gift
Hair: Argrace-Karin
Gempabumi is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-Madlena P Outfit (GG)
Shoes: Included with outfit
Accessories: Included with outfit
Hair: Damselfly Jaycee hair
Queen Dress(20L)
Judie is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-Queen Dress (GG)20L
Shoes: ISON Feather heels
Hair: Argrace-Karin
Outfit: SPACE *RS* Dress1(GG)
Shoes: Madlena P Sneakers (Third Life GG)
Accessories: Earthstones-Lora set Turquoise(GG)
Hair: Monso. Reina
Dierdre is wearing
Outfit: SPACE *RS* Dress1(GG)
Shoes: Smesh- Laced Sandals Pink
Accessories: Zenith = Belt Necklace
Hair: Mina - Lieke
Madlena P Sneakers (Third Life)

Judie is wearing
Outfit: SPACE-Dead Space Outfit (GG)
Hair: Argrace-Karin

Deirdre is wearing
Outfit: SPACE *RS*Hip Hop (GG)
Shoes: Included in outfit
Hair: Zalea
Judie is wearing
Outfit: SPACE *RS*Hip Hop (GG)
Shoes: Included in outfit
Hair: Mina-Dionne
I won this on one of the 8 Lucky Letter boards
Judie is wearing
Outfit: Sequins
Shoes: Included with outfit
Hair: Argrace-Ibuki
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