I loved the look of this and the colour choice , but for me i would wear it under a skirt or jeans and apart from one skirt i had that only worked with white on white it was not easy to find anything to wear over it. It poked through everything i tried.
Apart from using it as a swimming costume it really isn't all that versatile.
If you have any ideas on this subject , feel free to IM me.
I would be grateful.
Slink Hourglass
If you have any ideas on this subject , feel free to IM me.
I would be grateful.
Slink Hourglass
Judie Is Wearing(Maitreya)
(Yummy)Gemstone tiara-Silver
Accessories:- (Yummy)Gemstone tiara-Silver
Blueberry Icon Angel Wings
[AMD]Leafy Arm Bands -Silver
Hair:- eXxEsS -KLARA A
Shoes:- Addams-Lemon Boots
Victoria Is Wearing(Maitreya)
Accessories:- Necklace : Belt necklace from Zenith
Glasses : Ched sunglasses from Brii
Bracelets & Anklets : Shiny Shabby set from Kunglers
Hair:- No Twist black from No.Match
Shoes:-Rio flip flops from KC Couture
I tried all Judies skirts and jeans , and believe me she has many , but even with changing Judies shape in multiple ways i just couldn't get this to work as a bodysuit.
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