Sunday, 29 October 2017

Morning Coffee time with Bo

Buongiorno Tutti!

Welcome to another small corner of my world. Recently I decided to give my Second Life Linden A-Frame a renovation and create a cubby corner reflecting tranquility.
Welcome to my peaceful little world.
Happy Sunday everyone!

Outfit: COCO OffShoulder Shirt (white) and COCO Slim Leg Pants (Black)  Accessories: SnowPaws Cubist Earrings in silver, L&B © (W) “Celtic Promise” Necklace, Silver  Hair: (e)Nadia

SL "home" A-Frame Cabin
Exterior: Borrowed my outdoor umbrella table and chairs set from my Maya café, What Next planters and window boxes, What Next - Bramley Bench, What Next - doormat and Wellies, "Thank you" stool and flowers from Amanda Dench, Apple Fall Feuilles Lantern
Interior: Dust Bunny Camillia sofa and stools, Ariskea Framed Flower from June Group Gift, What Next - Tall Chest of Drawers, with Bazar Paris Flowers and books, LAQ Bookcases, Apple Fall & An Lar Toile Chair (Cream) thanks Judie! :), Dench tall plant, DJ  / SF David's FF Photo Frames (group gift)

1 comment:

  1. Looks so homely and cosy Bo. Another nice job. Can't wait to see what you do with Christmas.
