Welcome to GGC 44.
This is another store i found by chance.
Its not a huge store but it is will laid out and easy to cam round.
The gifts are few and you can judge for yourself what you think. I personally loved the 3rd Life GG and will be keeping that as it fits well and is a nice neutral texture.
She has a board of new releases and a promotion board.
All the outfits are what i would describe as 'skimpy', but as we have shown in the past you can wear next to nothing and with a bit of style make it look sexy not slutty. That is all down to you.
დ ℬ⍵C დ Poa Dress
Bo is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ Poa Dress
Accessories: SnowPaws Cubist Earrings in Silver,
(BREATHE) October Bracelet (hud)
დ ℬ⍵C დ (GG) 02 Necklace
Shoes: KC Adore Heels
Hair: Magika - Bad Habit
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ Poa Dress
Accessories: (Scarf comes with outfit)
CR-Fate Wedding Ring
Shoes:KC Gabriella heels
Hair: DeLa Mesh Violetta Reds
Judie is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ Poa Dress
Accessories: (Scarf comes with outfit)
Shoes: [GOS] Karrueche Sandles
Hair: No.Match-No.End
დ ℬ⍵C დBlue Oil Dress and Panties(Maitreya only)
Judie is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დBlue Oil Dress and Panties
Accessories: The necklace came with the outfit
*PerveTTe*Exotic leg Chain(Gold)(Hud)
Shoes: KC Xena Boots (Hud)
Hair: Truth-Ophelia
Bo is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დBlue Oil Dress and Panties
Accessories: n/a
Shoes: n/a
Hair: Magika - Bad Habit
დ ℬ⍵C დ GG02 Dress
Dierdre is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ GG02 Dress
Accessories: LOULOU & CO - Bracelets set DIMH
EarthStones - Twisted Hoop Earrings Silver
Faux Posh - Single Nose Gem Nose Stud/ Diamond
Wedding Ring - Joa Anderton Design ( custom made)
Shoes: Jora Heels - Brii
Hair: KoKoLoReS Hair Ash gift
Bo is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ GG02 Dress
Accessories: SnowPaws Cubist Earrings in Silver,
(BREATHE) October Bracelet (hud)
Shoes: KC Adore Heels
Hair: Magika- Bad Habit
Judie is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ GG02 Dress
Accessories: დ ℬ⍵C დ (GG) 02 Necklace
Shoes: KC Scarlet Boots(Hud)
Hair: Besom(was Soonsiki) Shelly
დ ℬ⍵C დ Third life Group Gift
Judie is wearing
(This is my favourite)
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ Third life Group Gift
Accessories: Necklace included with outfit
Shoes: included with outfit
Hair: Monso -Crowe
Dierdre is wearing
Outfit: დ ℬ⍵C დ Third life Group Gift
Accessories: Necklace included with outfit
Mad about -- Pearl Drop earrings
Faux Posh - Single Nose Gem Nose Stud/ Diamond
Tattoo -( Custom made)
Wedding Ring -
Joa Anderton Designs ( custom made)
Shoes: Belice - Kokoia ( two colors) High Heels
Hair: Diva hair Isis
Please ignore the text colour changes from blue to black. We have a glitch we can'T solve at the moment.