Sunday 21 January 2018

San Michel... briefly

Good Sunday morning!

This morning I had a fast (very fast) tour of  the virtual replica of San Michel.
Perhaps I missed something.
The lower part has some shops. I haven't checked who is the owner or designer of the sim and I don't know if the purpose is for role play.


  1. I visited here a while back with a friend of mine who had been to the RL St Michel. He said it was very true to life. Its a lovely sim to visit. The detail is great.

  2. *grrr I just replied and lost it* Anyway, I didn-t want to be negative in case my connection were slow and I was simply unable to see what is really there, as has happened in the past. However, I did only see the basic structure in good likeness. There are shops below, but also I was not sure if it is for role play or something.
