Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Making shopping easier.

I've had many comments from people about how well or not so well laid out some shops are.
The best are the ones where you can stand and easily cam round, BUT its still an issue if you are looking for a specific item. OK, you can look on MP (Marketplace) but it's not always on there or maybe you want to try a demo in world. I will be highlighting shops who make a bigger effort to make shopping easier for us.
At the moment i can name 4 i have found. ( I will add new ones as i discover them)

The first is hoorenbeek
You find this sign in the main lobby as you enter and it really does make things so much easier.
A big high5 for this one.

The second is Emotions
They have a board just outside the front entrance which offers a TP to the location you need. Not the specific item , but it sure cuts down hunting time.

Well done Emotions

The third is Abranimations
They have a lovely yellow TP rubber duck. Novel and works well. You sit on the duck and a menu appears and then you are transported to the area of choice.
Again you have to know what you are looking for , but a big " well done "for this idea.

The 4th i found is Catwa
They have changed a lot in the last few years , but you can still buy all the older hairs as well as a big range of popular mesh heads. 
This store is where i got Judies first and longest used hair, which is a record as she is a complete hair addict now, but this style is 'Judie ' to me.

Here is your taxi to Catwa

If you know of anymore good shopping aids or just want to mention a good shop here just let me know.
Anyone who puts thought and effort into things needs a 'big up' in my opinion.


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